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Sedentarismo e problemas na coluna

Physical inactivity and back problems

Physical inactivity is now a major cause of back problems. The rush of day-to-day, lack of leisure time, technological developments and the replacement of physical activities by automated facilities, contribute to the development of an increasingly sedentary population.

In the case of the low back pain (back pain), physical inactivity contributes to the increase in muscle pain, in addition to affecting the joints.

The practice of regular physical exercise at least 30 minutes daily, and some changes of attitude, can decrease by 50% the risk of illnesses linked to sedentary lifestyle, and preserve the physical well-being and mental health.

Learn some simple steps you can take to avoid a sedentary lifestyle:

- Avoid using the elevator or escalator. Use the stairs.
- Use your lunch break at work to make short walks. During the hours get up every 30 minutes and walk around the office.
- To go to places near home or work, do not go by car, choose to walk. Therefore, besides contributing to your health, you also help preserve the environment.
- Use less the television remote control. Get up to change channels.
- Do some household chores such as cleaning and tidying the house.
- If you use public transportation, get off before your stop and walk.
- On weekends, avoid spending hours in front of of the television. Go for a jog in the park or other type of physical activity.


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