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Spine Surgery: It´s not a rocket science
In recent years there has been a major advance in the modernization and upgrade of spine surgery to minimize surgical trauma and lead to a faster recovery of patients. This is accomplished through the use of minimally invasive techniques.

The possibility of avoiding the most external stabilization as jackets or plaster, time of rest in bed increasingly shorter, postoperative period in which the patient is walking on the first day, etc.. These are some examples of advances in surgical procedures.

High-tech equipment allows the surgeon to visualize small and delicate structures through a tube, with the necessary magnification and lighting. These images are also captured by the monitors like the TV ones. All of that to facilitate the surgical procedure.

Today, many surgeries can be performed through a minimally invasive approach. Here are some examples:

- Discectomy
- microdiscectomy
- Intervertebral Fusion or Fusion
- Laminectomy
- Laminotomy


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