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Medicina da Coluna - Dicas.
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Martial arts can help reduce injuries from falls in patients with osteoporosis
A survey by the University of São Paulo (USP) shows that over 60% of physical injuries suffered by the elderly come from falls, which are usually caused by weakening of the bones, which usually occur due to diseases such as osteoporosis. Once diagnosed the symptoms of the disease, it is possible to improve the quality of life, acting to decrease the number of injuries.

According to orthopedic surgeon Dr. Carlos Eduardo A. S. de Oliveira, the disease is not a privilege of senior and exercise can help prevent and to reduce the injuries caused by falls.
A good way to prevent is the practice of bodybuilding and what may help to ensure that the traumas are minor in case of fall, are the martial arts, because during training the practitioners learn how to minimize the impact of the fall - said the doctor who makes Medicine, part of Grupo Medicina da Coluna.

In women, there is a higher incidence of the disease due to hormone loss during menopause, because with the reduction of estrogen there is a reduction in bone mass and therefore they may be affected by the disease earlier than men.

Besides that the genetic also influences for the disease being transmitted to descendents, and yet there is another type of osteoporosis that comes from chronic use of drugs such as anti-vasculantes and corticosteroids. Smokers and obese people may also develop osteoporosis picture.

For the specialist, an important point for prevention is to maintain a diet which contains calcium and decreased intake of fatty foods, which reduce the absorption of calcium contained in food. In cases where the disease starts to manifest, treatment may include medications that help in the uptake of calcium into the fibers of soft bone, leaving it more rigid and also supplementing the diet with some vitamins that help in the formation of soft fibers.

Osteoporosis is a loss of bone mass that leads to change in density, consequently decreasing bone strength. The development of the disease is slow and involves loss of bone mineralization and elasticity. The bone is composed of a collagen matrix fibers (soft), which with the addition of calcium is harden. The loss of ability to fix the calcium in soft fibers leads to osteoporosis.


Are you with osteoporosis? To clear up all your doubts, click here.


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